With its 1.3 million square kilometers of largely unexplored land, the NWT offers an immense mineral potential.
The Sahtu region encompasses five communities in NWT. The region borders the Yukon Territory on its western side, Inuvik to the north, the North Slave Region on the east and Tlicho to the south.The Sahtu region accounts for 6% of the NWT’s population and 5% of its income.
Norman Wells is the commercial and administrative centre and has the highest average level of income in the NWT. It serves as a regional air hub and the region’s primary service and supply centre. More..
The Beaufort Delta region borders the Yukon Territory to the west, Nunavut to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north. The town of Inuvik is the third largest community in the NWT and the region’s major commercial and administrative center.
The Region accounts for about 16% of the NWT’s population and about 12% of personal income.
Other base industries in the Beaufort-Delta include public administration, transportation and fur trade. More...
North Slave
The North Slave region is the most populous of the five regions, with a population of almost 23,000.
The region consists of eight communities with the regional offices situated in Behchokǫ̀ and Yellowknife.
Excluding Yellowknife, the North Slave region has 7% of the NWT’s population and 4% of the NWT’s income.
The North Slave region has experienced significant growth over the last decade. More...
South Slave
The South Slave region is located south of Great Slave Lake, and borders the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan to the south and Nunavut to the east.
The region has 17% of the NWT’s population and 17% of its income. Hay River and Fort Smith, respectively, are the second and fourth largest communities in the NWT.
Hay River is the largest community in the South Slave. It is a major transportation hub for the Territories and is one of Canada’s largest inland ports. Hay River is also home to the only rail connection in the NWT. More ...
The Dehcho region is located in the southwestern part of the Northwest Territories bordering British Columbia and the Yukon. There are six communities in the Dehcho. Fort Simpson is the largest and is located on an island at the confluence of the Mackenzie and Liard Rivers. It is the commercial and administrative center for the Dehcho.
The proposed Prairie Creek Mine is poised to offer significant regional benefit to the Dehcho. Other major industries include tourism, forestry, trapping and handicrafts. More ...